
One Thing Leads to Another

Unsurprisingly, I recently wrote about the value of reading old books, I say “unsurprisingly” since that is the topic of most of my writing. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays last January, I was in need of a fun and undemanding book to read. I had had Mother Carey’s Chickens by Kate Wiggin on my list… Read More One Thing Leads to Another


I Love to Tell the Story

As parents dedicated to instructing our children in the ways of truth, we have “no greater joy than to hear that our children walk in truth.” (3 John, 4) So imagine my inward joy on an otherwise humdrum school morning, while I sat patiently listening to my son struggling through his reading, when he stopped and asked a question.… Read More I Love to Tell the Story

Living Books

Video Interview with Liz Cottrill

In April Liz was interviewed by Jeanne Dennis of Heritage of Truth. Mrs. Dennis was interested in hearing what we define as “living books” and why we have a private lending library devoted to their collection, preservation, and circulation. If you’d like to watch the interview you may do so here:


Anything New?

I just returned from the Charlotte Mason Institute conference at Ferrum College. One of the distinct privileges of that gathering is the stimulating conversation with like-minded CM educators, whether casually at meals, in the accidental meetings on the sidewalk outdoors, or in the deliberate setting of scheduled chats centering on particular themes. During one of the latter sessions, we tackled… Read More Anything New?


‘Tis the Season

My observation of the ebb and flow of activity in our family over the course of my child-rearing years is that the merry month of May is almost, if not equal, in busyness to the Christmas season. Since opening our library, that pattern has intensified. These seasons shape the course of our years and, ultimately, the character of… Read More ‘Tis the Season


Hidden Messages

Have you ever had the experience of unexpectedly unearthing a letter or note in the hand of a beloved one who has died? It is an arresting occurrence and brings back the life of the person for an instant and is mixed with pangs of loss and longing even as we experience the momentary joy of rediscovery of… Read More Hidden Messages