
Father Stories

Atticus Finch. What a father. Even as a child I admired him deeply after meeting him in the pages of To Kill a Mockingbird. Quiet, resolute, insightful, his battle for justice for the oppressed was awe inspiring. Scout learned the most valuable lessons in life about loving your neighbor as yourself under his gentle management,… Read More Father Stories

Authors, Journal

He’s the Man

Concern with character building is a recurrent theme in homeschool circles. Just recently I read a mother’s request for suggestions of books that would help her teach character. I’m personally doubtful that any workbook will provide material that can convey the virtues and strength of character parents desire their children to exhibit, let alone produce… Read More He’s the Man

Authors, Journal

Discovering Hilda

When you begin digging for treasure from the “Golden Age of Children’s Literature” you might miss this author, but when her books are unearthed and opened, there is gold. In fact, a friend once confessed that in sorting through piles of old books she had acquired, she gave away a whole batch of Hilda van Stockum’s books and later… Read More Discovering Hilda


Books in the Garden

Spring is in full bloom. Flox, iris, and even the delphinium are bursting to beautify our borders. Honeysuckle is sweetening the air. Strawberries are ripe for picking and mouth-wateringly delicious. In the vegetable garden, the peas are flowering and the potatoes are up. Every night we have enormous salads because the greens are so lush and prolific that we… Read More Books in the Garden

Authors, Journal

Thank You, Mr. Bulla

Boys are commonly viewed as having trouble in school. It is true that they often are slower to read. I have half boys and half girls and I would say the generalizations are not unfounded, but my years with this library have shown me an interesting phenomenon. Boys overwhelmingly are the most enthusiastic investigators and most… Read More Thank You, Mr. Bulla


Happy Mother’s Day

Cynics doubtless lay this holiday at the feet of some card manufacturing company whose aim was to cash in on the most common human experience. Regardless of that supposed motivation, are not mothers to be celebrated every day of the year? The Bible says, “Give honor to whom honor is due,” and half way through  the list of the… Read More Happy Mother’s Day